Ethiopia Installed Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

Post time:2018-04-27

The Ethiopia Installed Coffee Beans Cleaning Project by WinTone Machinery stands as a shining example of how advanced technology can rejuvenate an industry...

  Coffee Beans Cleaning Project

  ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

  In the heart of Ethiopia, where coffee is not just a beverage but a way of life and a significant economic driver, WinTone Machinery embarked on a journey to revolutionize the coffee beans cleaning process.


 Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች


Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

CleaningDehulling -- Polishing Grading -- Gravity Separating -- Color Sorting -- Automatic Bagging

ማጽዳት/መልቀምቆዳውንና ገለባውን መለየትመቦረሽ/ማለስለስበመጠን መከፋፈልበክብደት መለየትበቀለም መለየትራሱ በራሱ  በከረጢት መመዘንና ማሸግ/መስፋት


  WinTone Machinery's green coffee bean cleaning line solution

  WinTone Machinery, renowned for its innovative agricultural and food processing equipment, stepped in with a tailor-made coffee beans cleaning solution. Their state-of-the-art automated cleaning system was designed to address the specific needs of Ethiopian coffee production. The system incorporated multi-stage cleaning processes. Firstly, a high-pressure water jet system was employed to dislodge surface dirt, debris, and any adhering foreign matter. This was followed by a series of vibrating screens and air blowers that meticulously sorted the beans based on size and density, ensuring only the finest quality beans proceeded further. The machinery was also built to withstand the harsh environmental conditions prevalent in Ethiopian coffee-growing regions, with robust construction materials and advanced anti-corrosion features.

Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች
Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

  Implementation and Results of Coffee Bean Cleaning Project:

  During the peak harvest season, the installation of coffee bean cleaning line enabled them to process three times more beans compared to the old manual methods. The quality of the cleaned beans also soared. With consistent removal of impurities, the coffee beans now boasted a more uniform flavor and aroma, meeting and even exceeding international quality benchmarks. This led to a significant boost in exports, as international buyers were eager to source the newly refined Ethiopian coffee.

Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች
Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች
Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች


  Customer Feedback

  “WinTone Machinery has truly transformed our coffee business. The new cleaning system has saved us time, increased our productivity, and most importantly, enhanced the quality of our beans. We are now able to compete on a global scale like never before.” - Fantahun

  Another producer added, “The after-sales service provided by WinTone Machinery has been outstanding. Any technical issues were resolved promptly, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Their commitment to our success is as clear as the pure coffee we now produce.” - Nejib Ahmed

Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች

  The Ethiopia Installed Coffee Beans Cleaning Project by WinTone Machinery stands as a shining example of how advanced technology can rejuvenate an industry. By combining innovative design, reliable equipment, and excellent customer support, WinTone Machinery has not only helped Ethiopian coffee reach new heights but has also strengthened the country's position in the global coffee market. It is a testament to the power of collaboration between technology providers and local producers in driving sustainable economic growth.

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